(Some of) My Favorite Birth Images from 2017 — Denver Birth Photographer - Monet Nicole
Denver Birth Photography

Powerful Birth Stories Across Colorado

Denver Birth Photographer, Monet Nicole, shares her most recent birth stories here. Browse through home births, birth center births, and hospital births. See beautiful and inspiring birth photography taken across the front range of Colorado. One of the leading birth photography blogs in the United States. 

(Some of) My Favorite Birth Images from 2017

When I sat down to this task, I knew it would be difficult...but I had NO IDEA how hard it was to choose just 20 of my favorite birth images from 2017. Every birth that I attend is profound, and I walk away from each one with images that speak to my heart. So after literally an hour (and dozens upon dozens of "favorites") I knew I needed to make progress on this impossible project. And so I randomly selected these 21 from my extensive list of favorites, and I'm so honored to share them with you. Some of my families choose to keep their birth images completely private, while others have allowed me to share. I'm so honored to be invited into these spaces, and then to share these stories with the larger world. 2017 was a beautiful year, full of homebirths, birth center births, and hospital births. I got to document so much love, so much strength, and so much joy. These babies and families will stay with me forever. Many of the images below are actually repeat clients, which is so special (and is happening more and more each year!). 

I hope you enjoy looking at these, and I hope you connect with one or two of them deeply. I hope that they allow you to tap into something deeper about yourself, your journey, your family. And I wish you and your family the happiest holidays and a joy-filled New Year! 

Adele embraces her older son just before the next wave came...image taken at the Birth Center of Boulder.

Adele embraces her older son just before the next wave came...image taken at the Birth Center of Boulder.

Such JOY as Mia welcomes her 3rd baby (first boy) into the world as big sister looks on. University of Colorado Midwives!

Such JOY as Mia welcomes her 3rd baby (first boy) into the world as big sister looks on. University of Colorado Midwives!

Into her mother's arms! Beautiful birth at Baby + Co (in the same room I had my daughter!) 

Into her mother's arms! Beautiful birth at Baby + Co (in the same room I had my daughter!) 

This grandmother traveled all the way from Portugal to attend the birth of her first grandson. Image taken at Denver Center for Birth. 

This grandmother traveled all the way from Portugal to attend the birth of her first grandson. Image taken at Denver Center for Birth. 

They got into the birth tub to work through the most intense contractions. Beautiful birth at Mountain Midwifery Center. 

They got into the birth tub to work through the most intense contractions. Beautiful birth at Mountain Midwifery Center. 

My dear friend holds onto her brand new baby boy. Repeat client! Memorial Hospital in Colorado Springs. 

My dear friend holds onto her brand new baby boy. Repeat client! Memorial Hospital in Colorado Springs. 

Laboring at home...the hot water, the hands...so much beauty! Repeat client! To Each Her Own Midwifery. 

Laboring at home...the hot water, the hands...so much beauty! Repeat client! To Each Her Own Midwifery. 

After loss...this moment. Such a beautiful rainbow birth. Birth attended by Gina Gerboth, CPM. 

After loss...this moment. Such a beautiful rainbow birth. Birth attended by Gina Gerboth, CPM. 

After a beautiful homebirth, this family snuggles into bed. To Each Her Own Midwifery. 

After a beautiful homebirth, this family snuggles into bed. To Each Her Own Midwifery. 

These twins were delivered unmedicated with Dr. Breeden at PSL in Denver. 

These twins were delivered unmedicated with Dr. Breeden at PSL in Denver. 

The joy of meeting your baby brother! Repeat client! 

The joy of meeting your baby brother! Repeat client! 

These high-school sweethearts couldn't contain their joy when their son finally was in their arms. Castle Rock Adventist.  

These high-school sweethearts couldn't contain their joy when their son finally was in their arms. Castle Rock Adventist.  

VBAC at home. No more words needed. Repeat client! Community Roots Midwifery. 

VBAC at home. No more words needed. Repeat client! Community Roots Midwifery. 

The breathtaking cesarean birth of Everlie with Dr. Breeden at PSL. 

The breathtaking cesarean birth of Everlie with Dr. Breeden at PSL. 

Oxytocin! Image taken at Swedish Medical Center. 

Oxytocin! Image taken at Swedish Medical Center. 

Such a beautiful first latch at Skyridge Medical Center.

Such a beautiful first latch at Skyridge Medical Center.

Postpartum goodness. Homebirth with To Each Her Own Midwifery. 

Postpartum goodness. Homebirth with To Each Her Own Midwifery. 

Eyes wide open at the Denver Center for Birth and Wellness. 

Eyes wide open at the Denver Center for Birth and Wellness. 

Beautiful homebirth with Jolene Hamann of Springs Midwifery. 

Beautiful homebirth with Jolene Hamann of Springs Midwifery. 

"So you're my mama." Denver Center for Birth and Wellness. 

"So you're my mama." Denver Center for Birth and Wellness. 

A rainbow for a rainbow baby. These clients were some of my very first and welcomed the newest addition to their family at the end of this summer. 

A rainbow for a rainbow baby. These clients were some of my very first and welcomed the newest addition to their family at the end of this summer. 

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