The family-centered cesarean birth of Lana — Denver Birth Photographer - Monet Nicole
Denver Birth Photography

Powerful Birth Stories Across Colorado

Denver Birth Photographer, Monet Nicole, shares her most recent birth stories here. Browse through home births, birth center births, and hospital births. See beautiful and inspiring birth photography taken across the front range of Colorado. One of the leading birth photography blogs in the United States. 

The family-centered cesarean birth of Lana

When I met Darrah and Chris....I knew two things: there birth would be beautiful and it would be brimming with love. After they had a cesarean birth with their first baby after a long day of labor, they decided to have a repeat cesarean at Rose Medical Center, in Denver. Rose is one of the best places to have a cesarean birth in Colorado. They are the leaders in family-centered cesarean, offering an environment and atmosphere that reflects the sacredness that exists in ALL births. Low lights, music playing, and medical providers who are truly invested in making each birth about the family they're serving. They also allow partners to go back into the OR when the Spinal is placed. This is such a small detail, but what a difference it can make in the overall experience! So many women tell me that the hardest part of their birth was when they separated from their loved one during that procedure. 

Once everyone was settled and ready, Chris and Darrah connected with each other and the moment at hand. Within minutes, we saw baby Lana emerge gently from the womb, with her cord loosely hanging around her neck. We were all moved to tears as they held baby Lana up for Darrah to see. After the birth, we went to recovery, where Darrah and Chris were able to love on their baby girl. She latched easily, and seemed completely content in her mama's arms. I returned later in the afternoon to document big brother meeting his sister for the very first time. Oh the love in that room! The very last image in this collection is one of my favorites because it so perfectly captures the beauty of family. 

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