The Birth of Elayna Joy - Denver Birth Photography — Denver Birth Photographer - Monet Nicole
Denver Birth Photography

Powerful Birth Stories Across Colorado

Denver Birth Photographer, Monet Nicole, shares her most recent birth stories here. Browse through home births, birth center births, and hospital births. See beautiful and inspiring birth photography taken across the front range of Colorado. One of the leading birth photography blogs in the United States. 

The Birth of Elayna Joy - Denver Birth Photography

I met Callin earlier in the year through the breastfeeding project, and I was thrilled when she asked me to be their birth photographer for their second birth. 

Joy. What an apt middle name for Elayna, who was born into the world with laughter, peace, and love. When I arrived at Callin and Scott's house on Monday night, I would have never guessed that Callin was 7-8 centimeters dilated. She remained joyful and tranquil throughout the next two hours and gave birth to her beautiful daughter at 7:00pm. Big sister Avelyn comforted her mom in the early stages of labor and then spent the remainder of the evening with her Grandma. Scott was a wonderful support they'd hoped...he caught his daughter when she was born. The birth was attended by Gina Gerboth, a Denver area midwife that I can't speak highly enough of! Elayna Joy, born October 27th, 2014 7pm, 7 pounds, 6 ounces and 20 inches long.  

Midwife: Gina Gerboth assisted by Meridian Faul

Location: Denver Homebirth


Big sister was a huge help during labor....providing mom with both physical support and comedic relief. 


Callin got into the zone during transition, relying on her sweet husband for support. 


Scott and Callin wanted Scott to help catch the baby...and he did! 


After getting out of the birth tub, Callin got comfortable in her own bed. Big sister was very excited to meet Elayna...and remarked on how small she was. 


The newborn exam was performed as Callin and Scott rested in their own bed. Little Elayna was welcomed peacefully and with so much love. 
