A Homebirth Cesarean - the Birth of Rune — Denver Birth Photographer - Monet Nicole
Denver Birth Photography

Powerful Birth Stories Across Colorado

Denver Birth Photographer, Monet Nicole, shares her most recent birth stories here. Browse through home births, birth center births, and hospital births. See beautiful and inspiring birth photography taken across the front range of Colorado. One of the leading birth photography blogs in the United States. 

A Homebirth Cesarean - the Birth of Rune

All of the births we document stick with us. They work their way into our hearts…and never really leave. I can run into a birth client at the zoo or a coffee shop, and I’m almost immediately transported back into time. I remember so vividly their courage and strength as they brought their baby into the world.

But then there are some birth stories that seem to dig their way even deeper. Rune’s birth story is one of them.

Carly and Ky had planned for a homebirth, but when her water broke and there was meconium…they knew they needed labor to progress quickly for homebirth to still be a safe option. Their decision to transfer was heartbreaking and hard, but they were surrounded by such beautiful support as they made that choice.

Carly and Ky are quite simply some of the bravest, kindest people we know. I could spend a lot of time talking about their birth story, but I think the best way to hear their story is through Carly’s words. You can read her thoughts and see a bunch of images on her IG page @cknudme (she is worth the follow, I promise)

Rebecca photographed and filmed this birth, and she did such an incredible job documenting the highs and lows of a homebirth turned cesarean birth. I still tear up when I look through these. There is so much emotion, grief, hope, and love in these images.

Carly and Ky are also practicing gender-creative parenting - which means that they recognize that gender occurs on a spectrum, not a binary. They are encouraging Rune to explore their world and find/follow the passions/interests they love. In our current world, this may come across as radical…but in reality, it’s such a beautiful way to allow our children to become the people they were meant to become. It’s all about acceptance, love, and exploration!

I couldn’t just pick a few images to share…and if you scroll to the bottom, you can also watch their birth film. Follow Carly on IG - she is such an amazing person and has taught us so much about queer birth and parenting.