It's A Boy - a Joy-Filled Birth at Mountain Midwifery Center — Denver Birth Photographer - Monet Nicole
Denver Birth Photography

Powerful Birth Stories Across Colorado

Denver Birth Photographer, Monet Nicole, shares her most recent birth stories here. Browse through home births, birth center births, and hospital births. See beautiful and inspiring birth photography taken across the front range of Colorado. One of the leading birth photography blogs in the United States. 

It's A Boy - a Joy-Filled Birth at Mountain Midwifery Center

I'll never forget the day I met Stephanie. The sun was streaming (as it so often does in Colorado) and I'd just ordered my drink at Corvus. She walked up to me and we immediately hugged. We'd only corresponded via email, but I already felt a special kinship with her. She'd worked internationally and had this gentle but commanding presence. A natural leader. 

We talked about her first birth as her daughter, Olivia, went from snuggling to playing to making me laugh out loud. She told me her last birth was crazy...and that she wasn't expecting this one to be any different. She told me that I shouldn't expect to get the same beautiful birth photos I normally do...but I knew she was wrong. 

Sure enough, she went into labor on a Friday morning. Her contractions were present but fairly mild. Because she'd had SUCH a fast birth with her first, she decided she should at least go and check in at her birthing center, Mountain Midwifery. Sure enough, she was eight centimeters dilated. Over the next hour, she transitioned and pushed out her beautiful baby. There was laughter and tears and SO MUCH BEAUTY. Her husband had found out the sex of their baby months previous (and had somehow kept this a secret) and we all just loved her reaction to finding out she'd just given birth to a baby BOY! 

Stephanie, your birth will stay with me forever. I'm so honored I got to be part of your journey.

Birth Location: Mountain Midwifery Center

Doula: Katrina Aspnes  


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