Homebirth Transfer to UCH and an Emergency C-Section — Denver Birth Photographer - Monet Nicole
Denver Birth Photography

Powerful Birth Stories Across Colorado

Denver Birth Photographer, Monet Nicole, shares her most recent birth stories here. Browse through home births, birth center births, and hospital births. See beautiful and inspiring birth photography taken across the front range of Colorado. One of the leading birth photography blogs in the United States. 

Homebirth Transfer to UCH and an Emergency C-Section

Sometimes the very best thing I can do is step back and let my clients tell their own story. Amanda is a dear friend of mine, a fellow doula, and an amazing mother. I was so honored to document her birth story this August - her strength and grace is unmatched.

In the early morning hours of August 11th, I was awoke by some unusual cramping. I got up, used the restroom and looked at the time, 1:30 AM. The insomnia had been intense my entire pregnancy, and it was the kids first day of school, so I laid back down hoping to rest. I would fall asleep for 6-8 minutes and then wake to another cramp, which I now figured were actual surges. After about an hour, lots of water and a warm bath, the surges were still coming; I had a feeling it would be our sweet girls birthday. I decided to text my sister at 2:35 AM and let her know I had been contracting, but also apologized for waking her if this wasn’t “real.” My doula brain was firing, but I was in denial because it felt too early as I was only 37/3 gestation. I told my sister I’d keep her updated but I was going to rest. I spent the next two hours breathing through surges trying to decide if I should call my birth team.

Around 4:15 AM, I reached out to my good friend, doula and birth photographer, Monet, to let her know what was going on. After a quick conversation, we decided that I should call my midwife if things continued to pick-up over the next hour. I updated my sister and sent Corey a text as well as called my mom. As soon as I gave my support system a heads up, surges started intensifying. I could no longer talk or walk through them so I knew we’d be welcoming our sweet girl. I touched base with my midwife and mom shortly after 5 AM. They both were getting ready to head my way; my sister and Corey were also en route. The excitement and anticipation inside of me was overwhelming, but I was also overcome with anxiety and nervousness because of the unknowns. Koraline had been breech a week earlier at a growth ultrasound and I was hopeful that she had turned, but given the amount of time I had been in labor, I had a feeling she hadn’t. My previous births were very short and I had already been laboring for 4 1/2 hours. I was hopeful our back to school morning would go smoothly before labor intensified.

Around 6:30 AM, my entire birth team was at the house ready to welcome our sweet girl earthside. My mom and sister were patiently waiting for the kids to wake up to get ready for school and Corey was the best support partner I could have ever asked for. His touch was so gentle and he knew just the right spot to apply counter pressure. I labored for about 30 minutes then went down to take some 1st day of school photos with the kids in between surges. As soon as we were done with photos, Ronya (my midwife) wanted to perform an ultrasound to ensure baby was in optimal position as soon as Allie (midwife) arrived. We started scanning around 7:45 AM. This part seemed as if it took FOREVER because laying down for an ultrasound in active labor is hard. My midwives tried to find her head for a while, then let me have a break to labor because I wasn’t tolerating surges on my back. When I was ready to try again, they saw her little, round head, snuggled right up in my sternum. This is when time stood still.

I immediately started crying, knowing I had to transfer, unable to birth a breech baby at home. My birth wishes had been shattered. I cried for what felt like hours through surges, trying to wrap my head around what was happening next. I just couldn’t comprehend it. I didn’t want to birth a baby at the hospital, why was my body failing me, I was doing all the right things to turn her so why hadn’t she?! The list of questions and guilt ran long in my head. As soon as I was able to gain composure, I excused myself to the bathroom and asked Corey and Monet if they could finish packing my hospital bag. I didn’t have the energy to do so. While they packed, my midwives called the hospital to let them know I was headed in and I sat on the toilet sobbing. I just didn’t understand how, after having three vaginal deliveries, my fourth was breech.

As soon as my bag was packed we were ready to head out the door because my surges were coming very 1-2 minutes. We made it downstairs and on the road by 8:20 AM, heading to UCH Anschutz in Aurora.

Upon arrival to the hospital, we were taken immediately to triage where my additional birth team started working. I agreed to try an ECV in the OR. If successful, my waters would be broke in an attempt to keep her head engaged, if failed, we’d proceed to a belly birth. Monet and Corey got scrubbed up and we went back to the OR.

I went back alone to get prepped and receive my epidural. It was so surreal as I was sitting on the operating table, in another world, trying to prepare for the next steps. As soon as my epidural was placed, Corey and Monet joined me. My doctor did a scan, determined the best direction to turn baby, and they began. Moments after they started is when the panic set in. I felt a gush down my leg, which turned out to be blood. My placenta abrupted, I started hemorrhaging and Koraline lost all oxygen. My doctor looked at me and said “your baby didn’t tolerate that, we have to move,” and moments later I was peering over the curtain at a lifeless, tiny baby girl that entered earthside at 9:38 AM.

The next moments were mostly a blur. Corey immediately went to the warmer with Koraline, where a team of 4 doctors brought our baby back to life, while he waited for his chance to touch, hold, and admire his new baby girl. I had my dear friend Monet by my side, encouraging me to rest and assuring me that our baby was ok. I had brief updates by my anesthesiologist, Corey and Monet before I was able to hold our sweet baby. I got some skin to skin before Corey took Kora to recovery and I closed my eyes until I was finished.

I don’t remember much in the recovery room. I’m so thankful we have photos and a video to remind me of our sweet baby’s entry into the world. She’s been perfect ever since.

Our stay at UCH Anschutz was nothing short of amazing. All of those who cared for us were so gentle, compassionate and sweet, although I was still anxious to go home. I still couldn’t believe we had our sweet 5lb 9oz baby here with us, by the miracle of God.

This recovery has been mentally and physically challenging. It’s taken me weeks to process Koraline’s birth. Weeks to understand that, none of this was because we chose to have a homebirth, rather because Koraline needed to be earthside sooner and had different plans. Weeks to process that she was breech for a reason. Weeks to process that this, too, is birth and it is MY birth. I’m not completely healed, but I’m on the right path.

A special thanks to my entire birth team at home and hospital and to my sweet friend Monet, and Corey. I could not have gone through any of this without the both of you by my side. You were my rock, comfort and peace when I didn’t know how to function. I love you both.

To my mom and sister, thank you for caring for our other babes while we were away. We appreciate you both.

Xo - Amanda

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