A Quick First Birth at Mountain Midwifery Center — Denver Birth Photographer - Monet Nicole
Denver Birth Photography

Powerful Birth Stories Across Colorado

Denver Birth Photographer, Monet Nicole, shares her most recent birth stories here. Browse through home births, birth center births, and hospital births. See beautiful and inspiring birth photography taken across the front range of Colorado. One of the leading birth photography blogs in the United States. 

A Quick First Birth at Mountain Midwifery Center

When I met Madelyn's parents over coffee, I loved seeing how excited they both were to soon welcome their baby into the world. For their first birth, they had decided to deliver at Mountain Midwifery Center, a free-standing birth center in Denver, Colorado. Mountain Midwifery Center does a great job at educating its families about what an out-of-hospital birth looks like, and it was evident that Madelyn's mom and dad were excited to see how her birth story would unfold. 

I ask all of my clients to call or text me when labor begins...and then when they're on the way to the birth center. Madelyn's dad called me and told me they were heading in...contractions had just started but they were already intense. Since they were first time parents (and I live close to Mountain Midwifery) I told them to call me once they had got situated at the birth center. I wanted to make sure the  midwives were going to have them stay before I made the drive over. 

Well about 10 minutes later, I received another phone-call...Madelyn's mom was 10 centimeters dilated! I hopped into the car, rushed into Mountain Midwifery Center, and within about 10 minutes of my arrival, baby Madelyn was born. Her parents worked beautifully together, which is often a hard task when labor comes on so strong and so fast. I loved seeing their connection and love for each other as they welcomed their sweet girl into the world. From start to finish, Madelyn's birth was less than 2 hours (which is super uncommon for a first time mom!) 
