Homebirth in Thornton, Colorado — Denver Birth Photographer - Monet Nicole
Denver Birth Photography

Powerful Birth Stories Across Colorado

Denver Birth Photographer, Monet Nicole, shares her most recent birth stories here. Browse through home births, birth center births, and hospital births. See beautiful and inspiring birth photography taken across the front range of Colorado. One of the leading birth photography blogs in the United States. 

Catching your Own Baby - Homebirth of 6th baby

It’s easy for me to say that my clients often become dear friends. Sometimes we don’t connect for months, or even years, but every single time I hear from one of my clients…my heart swells with connection and love. Being with families on such a transformative, life-changing day bonds you on a deep, deep level.

I’ve been lucky to know Ashlee through four of her pregnancies…and so very honored to attend 3/4 of her last births. (Rebecca, my amazing partner, attended one births while I was with another client who lost her baby unexpectedly.)

So Ashlee and I have known each other for years, and she’s just one of those people that I know I could call day or night if I needed to talk. We don’t see each other often, but we’re truly connected on a deep level.

Her last birth, her 6th birth, took place this past fall. I had been unable to attend her fifth birth, and so I was super eager/anxious to make it to this one. Ashlee tends to birth VERY quickly once labor starts, and so I never hesitate to go to her house when she calls me…but this birth went faster than I think any of us could imagine. She let me know she was in labor…and within 30 minutes…she said that they were coming hard and fast. I ran out of the house, drove to Thornton, and walked into the house about 20 minutes before baby was born.

Another thing to know about Ashlee - she is an incredible birth worker, and she knows her body so well. Her and her husband have caught most of their babies themselves…and all of their homebirth babies were born in their bathroom! So when I walked into their home…that is exactly where I headed. Her midwives arrived about 5-10 minutes before baby Remington did.

This birth and these images remind me of a crisp, fall morning…where the air is still warm but there’s a hint of cold in the air. They are warm, inviting, peaceful, and beautiful. The kind of birth images I’d want to curl up with. I’ve also included footage of the moment baby was born - caught and delivered by Ashlee herself.